Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fun Saturday!!

Cars the new Disney Pixar movie is out in Theatres! My little guy is going bonkers over this movie, so Dad and I are taking him today to view this new Disney Pixar film. I am a bit excited about it myself I must say.

First we plan to take him to his favorite hair cuttery place "Cool Cuts 4Kids" not sure if you have one of these in your area but its a "Salon designed with kids in mind". Kids can choose their favorite movies or play the latest Nintendo Game Cube games while they get a haircut! They even have an enclosed play area set up with Thomas the Train for younger children. It's just awesome, because if anyone knows my Azriel he is simply obsessed with playing video games and so he will play and keep himself busy while he gets his hair cut. What a wonderful combination! Getting him to leave is another story, LOL!!! The best part is that because only kids get their hair done in this Salon, their are no bleach or hair dye scents in the environment, keeping Azriel very calm and happy. Children that live with Autism are very sensitive to certain scents and simply can't cope with them, and Hair dye or bleach scents just don't sit well with him. So we are absolutely thrilled that there is a "Cool Cuts 4Kids" near us! Since getting him to leave is such a challenge we try to plan something exciting for after the haircut (amooth transitioning is very important) so today it's "We're going to see the movie Cars", that will definitely work! I will let you know.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hey! We went today! Wasn't it great!!!??? : )