Thursday, June 22, 2006

Family visits are starting so Summer is definitely here!

Ok you know when Summer is here when you start getting calls from family members that will be coming into town. Here in Florida, we are used to having these yearly visits and I don't know about everyone else but I enjoy them (Nirma, if you are reading this post I will definitely be returning your call, just been a bit busy). I have family members flying in from Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico and I am so excited to see them once again.

I come from a very large family and sometimes it's hard to keep up with each other, but thanks to modern technology, emails, cell phones, blogs, etc. etc. we are able to keep communications with each other on a more frequent basis. My grandparents had 11 children together, there are 38 grandchildren, 41 great grandchildren & 2 great-great grandchildren all together. Now talk about a mini tribe! That makes a grand total of 94 of u (including the grandparents). Whew! Now you can see why it is definitely hard for us to keep tabs on each other, but overall we are pretty tight and try to keep up with all that is going on in this large family of ours.

Here are the lovely grandparents that started it all!


Jan said...

There is nothing like family visiting! Most all of ours are around here. I miss those days when I was a kid, and we went to visit family in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Evelyn,
We had such a great time visiting. Thank you & Luis so much for making us feel at home. Too bad I missed the pool party... Time went by so quickly (it's true time flies when you're having fun!) Hope to see you soon again. Big hug for all of you.