Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ok I am back!

So sorry that I have not posted here lately, I returned on Sunday from my weekend of Scrapbooking with some friends, and oh my did I have a blast. It's unbelievable how much fun you can have at these events. I am so ready for the next one and it's not until November....hum bug! Anyhow, I was waiting for my pictures that are inside of my digital camera which went dead over the weekend and apparently has still not recuperated after being all night charging. So once the camera decides to cooperate I will post the pictures of my cropping weekend!

I hope to have those available by tonight, and I also know that I have to post the updated pictures of the house, they are coming too!!! Lots of pictures to view :)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm coming with you in November!!