Monday, March 27, 2006

Busch Gardens

Wow, that is a neat place! I live fairly close to that park only about an hour and a half away and rarely ever go. This past week was Spring break for our kids and we decided to head out to the park with some friends and enjoy the day. The weather was PERFECT! Not too hot, not cold, it was just PERFECT.

Among the many things that we did, we were able to enjoy one of the newer shows called KaTonga in Busch Gardens, it is a musical tale from the jungle and Azriel & Sammy (my godson) rarely ever sit through anything long enough to enjoy it! But it was so captivating that even these 2 little boys were able to enjoy!

My son Azriel is usually not very cooperative for pictures but as I said the day was PERFECT in every sense of the word and I was able to get some really nice shots of him.

Mommy & Azriel.......

Sammy & Azriel playing in the Safari Jeep.

Azriel visiting with the Heina's!

Azriel enjoyed the Bird Gardens and as you can see the birds enjoyed visiting with him as well!

What a cutey!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

How is life different for your children than it was for you when you were growing up?

Wow! Life is VERY different for my children, I don't know about anyone else's but here are a few examples of how it is different for them:

  1. Computers - Every home has one and if you don't have one then you are the exception!
  2. Ipods - Whatever happened with the walkman?
  3. Cellphones - I remember having to scrounge for change to use a public telephone to call home, do they even have public telephones now?
  4. Video Games - Atari, Coleco, they went extinct! That's what they had in the 80's and guess what? I didn't even own one, my parents couldn't afford it! Now my kids, have PS2, PSP, Xbox, and back when it first came out they had Super Nintendo, which is now a relic and my 4 yr. old plays with it. LOL!!
  5. Movie Videos - The movies was something you went to see in a theatre not something you owned and played at home, and if you did own one it certainly wasn't on a DVD.
  6. Compact Discs - Cassettes & Records are all I can remember, I actually recall hearing my uncles saying what a marvel Cassettes were since they had 8-tracks!
  7. Scooters - Wasn't it a bicycle that we wanted for Christmas when we were kids? Now a days kids want a motorized bike sort of like a mini motorcycle.
  8. Xtreme Sports - I remember skating & skateboarding were just simple acts of outdoor entertainment and fun, now it's an Xtreme Sport and you can actually have a membership to places such as Van's Skatepark in which they can go and do crazy and dangerous stunts.
  9. Vacations - My vacations consisted of trips between New York & Puerto Rico, I was excited nonetheless but I realize now that this is all I had seen. My kids have gone on trips in which we have explored the East Coast of the U.S., gone away to the beaches of Florida for a weekend, vacationed in the West Coast (see my previous posts for pictures of places they went), they have been on the Disney Cruise a few times, and of course of we have visited New York.
  10. Housing - I mainly lived in apartments with the exception of my grandparents house out in Puerto Rico which I was able to live in for about 6 years. So for the most part I didn't have a backyard or frontyard to play in, New York city's sidewalks and busy streets were the playground. My boys have had a house and/or yard to play in for as long as I can remember and we lived in an apartment for only 2 years when we first moved to Florida.
  11. Family - Although I come from a large family(my grandmother had 11 children, my mom is the youngest of the girls), I was an only child so I had no siblings to share and play with, my boys have each other and I certainly love that! As a family, I believe that we also have more open topic conversations than what I had as a kid, back in the day there were just some things you didn't talk about. ;)

This was a neat BLOG PROMPT! I just had to pick this one!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Schedule is full..........

Ok so today, I have to run to Herff Jones to take my oldest son to pick out his graduation ring, yes I had not done this through the school so now I have to run to the actual store to get this taken care of. This is what happens when you procrastinate. I have to run to the bank and deposit my commission check from TLC! :) I have to get my flights taken care of, if I am going to attend TLC Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah! I have to get some flyers printed for our booth and get my inventory up to date for the Orlando/Tampa Scrapbooking Expo which is coming up next week. I also have to check into the PODS and see if we will choose this route for our move next month. I have been boxing my things and my house looks like a mess! Eck!

TGIF!!! Maybe I can get out for the evening and forget about all of this for the night. But I better get going I have a busy day ahead of me! See you all later.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Oh dear Where is Evelyn?

I know, I know I am a terrible blogger. But I did warn you that I would be so you can't complain about it now, LOL!!! Anyhow, I do have a reasonable excuse for this long span of days without blogging. As you all know I am preparing for my move, I am literally surrounded with boxes and I have been trying to stay focused and committed to get some packing done in the time that I have left here. By end of day I am just to exhausted to even look at my computer.

My calendar is so full with other things during this month and April that I am hoping to get caught up before moving day comes. Just to give you an idea of what I have going on, I am working a Scrapbooking Expo at the end of this month from March 31 - April 2nd. April is promising to be one crazy filled month for me, my oldest son has his Graduation Prom Night on April 8th, then of course I have the final walk through of my house scheduled for Mid April and closing around the 24th and TLC Convention is on the 26th - 30th of April. In between all these dates I have other engagements such as medical appointments, TAXES and just miscellaneous things here and there. So I have been trying to get real while I can and get packing. As promised I said I would have more pictures of the house and here they go, there have been more things done since I took these pictures but at least you can see some progress! :)

This picture to the right is the pool.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

What was my favorite vacation or trip ever -- list 10 reasons why

My all time favorite vacation must have been when my family and I traveled to the West Coast in 2005. We have done other vacations, along the East Coast, Beach Getaways, Cruises (including the Disney one) but we had never left this side of the country. Thanks to Top Line Creations (the company that I joined as an Independent Consultant) we had to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada for our 2005 Annual Convention. We decided to make it a family vacation and visit other places. So here are my 10 reasons why this was my favorite vacation:
  1. We were able to leave the East Coast and see the other side of our Country
  2. LAS VEGAS, Nevada was AWESOME!! What a city! For convention we stayed at the Riviera hotel.
  3. We were able to visit the Hoover Dam & the Grand Canyon and see the expressions of total amazement at the beauty of this MAGICAL place, even in our teenage Boys!
  4. It was great to travel only 4 hrs. away and be in California and visit San Diego, Sausalito, and also visit Alcatraz while we where there.
  5. It wouldn't have been a trip to California without visiting the famous Hollywood!
  6. We also had the opportunity to visit with friends in Los Angeles
  7. Finally we stopped in Oceanside, CA and visited with Friends & Family!
  8. The weather was Spectacular, no humidity in the air (unlike Florida)
  9. We returned to Las Vegas for the TLC Convention, meeting all these wonderful ladies and putting a name to the face was AWESOME! After many months of seeing the names on the Yahoo group we finally had that connection! We had a blast! It was great to have had the experience of Convention there with my team!
  10. Being together as a Family, and away from the every day rush....was by far the BEST!

Relax N Scrap Retreat Photos

Here are the pictures of the Scrapbooking Event I was able to attend this past weekend! Wow that was fun!! Here I am trying to find some photos to print!

To the right you will see my friends Marie, Ileana, and I sporting some T-shirts that we had made for our weekend getaway that read "Scrapbooking Is Happy Hour" LOL!! Indeed it is...............

Below we are working on a Disney Themed Paper Bag Album that was so adorable. I really loved working on this particular project and so did my friends! We are such true Floridians, LOL! Love that Mouse!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ok I am back!

So sorry that I have not posted here lately, I returned on Sunday from my weekend of Scrapbooking with some friends, and oh my did I have a blast. It's unbelievable how much fun you can have at these events. I am so ready for the next one and it's not until November....hum bug! Anyhow, I was waiting for my pictures that are inside of my digital camera which went dead over the weekend and apparently has still not recuperated after being all night charging. So once the camera decides to cooperate I will post the pictures of my cropping weekend!

I hope to have those available by tonight, and I also know that I have to post the updated pictures of the house, they are coming too!!! Lots of pictures to view :)!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Countdown to ZER0.......I am off to the Scrapbook Retreat

Whew! Who knew packing and planning and getting all of your STUFF together would be so much work! LOL!! Well, when you have so much stuff it takes forever. I keep saying to myself, "well what if I need that?", and "what if I run out of this?" or "how about if they don't have that color of paper?" So as usual I end up taking a lot of stuff that I may not even use, but at least I have what I need with me. LOL!!!

Well, I guess I will see you when I get back and I promise to post some pictures so you can see my world of Scrapping!

Monday, March 06, 2006

I am in countdown mode......Day 5

Only 4 more days for my Scrapbooking Retreat! Woo-hoo!!! I am sooooo.......looking forward to it. I went to Michael's today and purchased materials that are needed for the classes that I signed up for! Wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with a "bone folder" but it's listed in one of my classes. I haven't really ever found a need for one in the 4 + years that I have been scrapping, but I guess I will learn. LOL!!!

My very creative friend Annie will be vendoring at this event as a consultant for Top Line Creations and teaching classes at the retreat as well. Two of my closest friends (Marie & Ily) will be coming to the retreat and we will be rooming together and sharing this great experience. I am absolutely siked! I will definitely share some pictures when I come back!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Autism & Other related Disorders!

Autism, PDD/NOS - Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, ADHD, Retts Disorder, Asperger's Disorder & CDD - Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. What do all of these have in common? Each of these are neurological disorders characterized by "severe and pervasive impairement in several areas of development".

My 4 yr. old son was diagnosed as a PDD patient at the age of 18 months of age. He was born 3 months early, born dead and was resucitated at birth. He was 4 minutes without oxygen, 8 minutes without a detectable heart rate, he received 2 blood transfusions within the 1st 2 hrs. of his life and had 3 additional blood transfusions in the 72 days he spent in NICU. His prognosis was not a bright one, we were told of course the worst of the scenarious which could have been blind, deaf, inability to walk and so many other things. However, with the help of prayer and our strong faith we believe that he became the miracle child that he is. Having been diagnosed with PDD (which is like autism) was obviously not the worst thing to have been diagnosed with but certainly not an easy thing to deal with.

Autism has really become a part of my everyday life not only through my son Azriel, but also through my godson Sammy which was diagnosed at the age of 2 yrs old. I also have 3 cousins that have been diagnosed as having Autism.

Incredible enough Autism is so common now a days, Autism has increased from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970's to 1 in 130 now a days that is a huge increase.

I enjoyed reading Ali Edwards blog about a month ago in which she posted "Ten Things Every Child with Autism wish you Knew" Ali Edwards also has a son (Simon) that lives with Autism every day of his life. The article that she posted moved me so much and enlightened me so much that I had to email Ali and thank her for posting this and allowing me to see Autism in a totally new light. I would like to share this post with all of you as well.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism wish you Knew
By Ellen Notbohm South Florida Parenting
Some days it seems the only predictable thing about it is the unpredictability. The only consistent attribute, the inconsistency. There is little argument on any level but that autism is baffling, even to those who spend their lives around it.

The child who lives with autism may look "normal," but his or her behavior can be perplexing and downright difficult. Today, the citadel of autism, once thought an "incurable" disorder, is cracking around the foundation. Every day, individuals with autism show us they can overcome, compensate for, and otherwise manage many of the condition's most challenging aspects. Equipping those around our children with a simple understanding of autism's most basic elements has a tremendous effect on the children's journey towards productive, independent adulthood. Autism is an extremely complex disorder, but we can distill it to three critical components: sensory processing difficulties, speech/language delays and impairments, and whole child/social interaction issues.

Here are 10 things every child with autism wishes you knew.

1. I am a child with autism. I am not "autistic." My autism is one aspect of my total character. It does not define me as a person. Are you a person with thoughts, feelings and many talents, or are you just fat (overweight), myopic (wear glasses) or klutzy (uncoordinated, not good at sports)?
2. My sensory perceptions are disordered. This means the ordinary sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches of everyday life that you may not even notice can be downright painful for me. The very environment in which I have to live often seems hostile. I may appear withdrawn or belligerent to you, but I am really just trying to defend myself. A "simple" trip to the grocery store may be hell for me. My hearing may be hyperacute. Dozens of people are talking at once. The loudspeaker booms today's special. Muzak whines from the sound system. Cash registers beep and cough. A coffee grinder is chugging. The meat cutter screeches, babies wail, carts creak, the fluorescent lighting hums. My brain can't filter all the input, and I'm in overload! My sense of smell may be highly sensitive. The fish at the meat counter isn't quite fresh, the guy standing next to us hasn't showered today, the deli is handing out sausage samples, the baby in line ahead of us has a poopy diaper, they're mopping up pickles on Aisle 3 with ammonia. ... I can't sort it all out, I'm too nauseous.

Because I am visually oriented, this may be my first sense to become overstimulated. The fluorescent light is too bright. It makes the room pulsate and hurts my eyes. Sometimes the pulsating light bounces off everything and distorts what I am seeing. The space seems to be constantly changing. There's glare from windows, moving fans on the ceiling, so many bodies in constant motion, too many items for me to be able to focus - and I may compensate with tunnel vision. All this affects my vestibular sense, and now I can't even tell where my body is in space. I may stumble, bump into things, or simply lay down to try and regroup.
3. Please remember to distinguish between won't (I choose not to) and can't (I'm not able to). Receptive and expressive language are both difficult for me. It isn't that I don't listen to instructions. It's that I can't understand you. When you call to me from across the room, this is what I hear: "*&^%$#@, Billy. #$%^*&^%$&*" Instead, come speak directly to me in plain words: "Please put your book in your desk, Billy. It's time to go to lunch." This tells me what you want me to do and what is going to happen next. Now it's much easier for me to comply.

4. I am a concrete thinker. I interpret language literally. It's very confusing for me when you say, "Hold your horses, cowboy!" when what you really mean is "Please stop running." Don't tell me something is a "piece of cake" when there is no dessert in sight and what you really mean is, "This will be easy for you to do." When you say, "It's pouring cats and dogs," I see pets coming out of a pitcher. Please just tell me, "It's raining very hard." Idioms, puns, nuances, double entendres and sarcasm are lost on me.

5. Be patient with my limited vocabulary. It's hard for me to tell you what I need when I don't know the words to describe my feelings. I may be hungry, frustrated, frightened or confused, but right now those words are beyond my ability to express. Be alert for body language, withdrawal, agitation, or other signs that something is wrong.

There's a flip side to this: I may sound like a little professor or a movie star, rattling off words or whole scripts well beyond my developmental age. These are messages I have memorized from the world around me to compensate for my language deficits, because I know I am expected to respond when spoken to. They may come from books, television or the speech of other people. It's called echolalia. I don't necessarily understand the context or the terminology I'm using, I just know it gets me off the hook for coming up with a reply.

6. Because language is so difficult for me, I am very visually oriented. Show me how to do something rather than just telling me. And please be prepared to show me many times. Lots of patient repetition helps me learn.
A visual schedule is extremely helpful as I move through my day. Like your day planner, it relieves me of the stress of having to remember what comes next, makes for smooth transitions between activities, and helps me manage my time and meet your expectations. Here's a great web site for learning more about visual schedules

7. Focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can't do. Like any other human, I can't learn in an environment where I'm constantly made to feel that I'm not good enough or that I need fixing. Trying anything new when I am almost sure to be met with criticism, however constructive, becomes something to be avoided. Look for my strengths and you'll find them. There's more than one right way to do most things.

8. Help me with social interactions. It may look like I don't want to play with the other kids on the playground, but sometimes it's just that I simply don't know how to start a conversation or enter a play situation. If you can encourage other children to invite me to join them at kickball or shooting baskets, I may be delighted to be included.
9. Try to identify what triggers my meltdowns. This is termed "the antecedent." Meltdowns, blowups, tantrums or whatever you want to call them are even more horrid for me than they are for you. They occur because one or more of my senses has gone into overload. If you can figure out why my meltdowns occur, they can be prevented.
10. If you are a family member, please love me unconditionally. Banish thoughts such as, "If he would just ..." and "Why can't she ... ?" You didn't fulfill every last expectation your parents had for you, and you wouldn't like being constantly reminded of it. I didn't choose to have autism. Remember that it's happening to me, not you. Without your support, my chances of successful, self-reliant adulthood are slim. With your support and guidance, the possibilities are broader than you might think. I promise you I'm worth it.

It all comes down to three words: Patience. Patience. Patience.
Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me. I may not be good at eye contact or conversation, but have you noticed I don't lie, cheat at games, tattle on my classmates, or pass judgment on other people?

You are my foundation. Think through some of those societal rules, and if they don't make sense for me, let them go. Be my advocate, be my friend and we'll see just how far I can go.
I probably won't be the next Michael Jordan, but with my attention to fine detail and capacity for extraordinary focus, I might be the next Einstein. Or Mozart. Or Van Gogh.They had autism too.

Freelance writer and consultant Ellen Notbohm is a columnist for Autism/Asperger's Digest and co-author of 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (Future Horizons). She favors "common sense" approaches to raising her sons with autism and AD/HD. She lives in Oregon