Sunday, May 25, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

tagged by Jan!

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My seven facts:

1. I love to go on Cruising Vacations, so far I have gone on 6 of them and planning for a 7th.

2. I just took the steps to enroll in college again and heading towards the goal of my degree in Health Care Administration, although I am still having my doubts or maybe its a little fear!

3. I absolutely enjoy my TV shows - House, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, and Desperate Housewives.

4. I have entered a journey in my life to read more, enjoy life more and be aware of the simplicities that makes me happy.

5. My favorite foods are: Crab legs, Italian, and most certainly desserts of all kinds.

6. I love OPRAH! She inspires me in many ways to become a better me. LOVE HER!

7. I had the awesome experience of working within the Walt Disney World Company in several departments but my favorite of all was my experience in Feature Animation. I was able to experience the process of the creation of the Animated films and see the artists at work on projects like: Lilo & Stitch, Bears and Atlantis!

I am tagging bot Old and New Blogger Friends!

1. Maby's Corner
2. Who has time to Scrapbook?
3. The Scrap Princess
4. Scrapping Servant
5. Forgetful One
6. Making Scrapbooks
7. Scrap Happens


Forgetfulone said...

Thanks for tagging me! I did this tag a long time ago, so I'm ready to do it again, and I'll let you know when I get it posted. #4 is really something to aspire to. Congrats on going back to school. And #7 is so cool! Lucky!

Forgetfulone said...

I posted my tag! Thanks! Diana

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tagging me... I LOVE to play along! But please remind me as if usually takes me a while to get to playing along.

I even have a hard time posting things for my own "games"! LOL!

Lisa G. said...

Thanks for adding me to your tag....I put mine up on my blog today :) Hope you had a nice weekend!
*Hugs* Lisa aka TheScrapPrincess

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool! Thanks for the tag :) I'll have my post up shortly after I pick my 7 people to tag :)

Forgetfulone said...

My third comment on this post - but it's a good one. I have an award for you over at my blog.

Anonymous said...

:o) I'm glad you're my new friend too! :o)