Monday, March 24, 2008


Man oh man.........Where does all that strength/energy come from when you are running around? Get up take the kids to school, come home do all the chores, errands, phone calls, yaddy...yaddy! Pick up from school, come home, try to eat something in between & take a 2 minute break. Yes a 2 minute break! There isn't much time for a break is there? LOL! Cook, serve dinner, clean up after dinner, do homework.........geesh!!! I sometimes forget there are only 24hrs in the day, it seems as though it doesn't end. LOL!!! But all is good, I don't know where this Energizer Bunny gets the juice to keep going but I do somehow. For all the moms out there: KUDOS to you for keepin' it going!

What about the Easter Bunny? He only comes around once a year, looking all cute with his basket full of pretty decorated eggs that of course we decorate. He just stands there and does nothing! LOL!!!

(Smile) It's a beautiful day if you are in it!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Love this post! You're so right! : )