Thursday, March 13, 2008

So whats New for Me?

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have jumped on the band wagon of reading once again. I am currently reading "A New Earth" Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckart Tolle. This book is part of the Oprah Winfrey Book Club. It's just one of those things I have brought back into my life, the joy of reading. The reason I wanted to read this book in particular, was due to the fact that the title represented one of the goals I have for 2008 which is; my journey to come into my "own" and become a better me.

It is an amazing book and one that will surely either Awaken you or have absolutely no effect on you depending on where you are in life. If it awakens you, then you are off to a much better and enlightened life.

Another thing that has become new is my MySpace page! This is the link to find me if you happen to have one and would like to be one of my friends in this MySpace world ( At first I was quite mistaken that this was a world for teenagers and not for adults. Soon enough I became aware of many adults I know that have a MySpace page, for example our families. Being that my sons also had one, I wanted to monitor the situation and get more informed as well regarding this new form of human connection. Of course if you have a MySpace 9 out of 10 times you have a page on Facebook as well. They call this the "preppy MySpace". I have family & friends that only use Facebook so I created a page there as well. However, I must be honest I don't keep up with this a whole lot, it is just a way to keep in touch with long distance friends and family and keep in the loop of modern communications.

Our move to Chicago is still in progress, we are currently waiting on the results of our final Home Appraisal for our house in Florida and see where that goes. The plan is to be up in Chicago by this Summer, but everything depends on this house and its sale to my husbands employer. As we all know, the market is not doing so good and they are purchasing the home at Fair Market value so we will just have to wait and see what happens. I will keep you all posted!
In light of the potential "summer move" my Scrapbooking buddies will be coming to crop at my house this weekend. It will be an all Girls Weekend Crop getaway at my place and I am siked! I am so excited to have them over and get to have some down time with some of my favorite people in the world! I will post some pictures of our fun weekend. Well that's it for now and I will post more later! Have a happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh my goodness, Chicago! That's too far away! : ) We definitely need to try to work out seeing each other before you go.